I hope everyone is happy and safe. Winston Hills is doing great! :)
It's been a wonderful week. Being a missionary is the best. And just being alive is pretty great too. Every time I pray, I thank Heavenly Father for letting me be "here" as a missionary, and also for letting me be "here" as a person on this Earth. With a body of flesh and bones and a knowledge of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is so much to be grateful for.
I have a testimony of pushing yourself. I really believe that true growth occurs out of our comfort zone. Now, if you're anything like me, that sentence probably makes you cringe. I really love my comfort zone too, but it doesn't do much for my eternal progression.
This week we had a zone conference with President Checketts. Many things that he and Sister Checketts shared really impacted me. But there is one thing in particular I want to share with you.
He taught us in great depth about faith. He emphasised that it is a principle of action and power. He taught that true faith doesn't sit still, it must be manifested by mental and physical action. He then spoke about belief. He said "Belief is a wonderful thing. But, it is not a principle of action and power."
This impacted me. I am starting to understand that perhaps the biggest difference between belief and faith is whether or not we act. So when we get up to the pulpit on fast Sunday to bear our testimonies and begin a sentence by saying "I know...." what follows those words better be something that we are willing to work for. Or else we would be wise to change that sentence to start with "I believe" and try to build our faith in those principles.
I hope this is making sense. Belief doesn't produce salvation. Faith in Jesus Christ does. May we ever ACT. Heavenly Father has given us the great power of free agency. He has given us His Spirit. His Son has atoned. With these things combined we can truly have faith to move whatever mountains are in our lives.
We can do it. Set goals, for any and every aspect of your life. Whether it be spiritually, emotionally, physically, temporally, socially, just set some spirit led goals. And then work for them. Exercise your faith. Don't just take life as it comes, do something with what you are given. Our potential is far greater than we can comprehend.
"Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel and is more than belief, since true faith always moves its possessor to some kind of physical and mental action; it carries an assurance of the fulfilment of the things hoped for. " Bible Dictionary Faith
-Trade off with the Manly sisters (I know that sounds funny but Manly is the name of their area lol). I went on trade off with Sister Nelson for the third time. She is such a fantastic sister. At the end of our trade off, she said one of the kindest prayers I've ever heard. She made me cry. I'm so grateful for the relationships we develop in this life! It's amazing how the gospel can unite us.
classic Sister Nelson lol
-Last week Sister Vaiho and I were feeling tired and hungry and it was about time for dinner, but we decided to stay a little longer and visit one more family. We visited this member and we felt so blessed because even though she was by herself on this particular night she took out extra chicken to cook. "I had no idea why I was cooking for more than myself. I normally don't even make anything when I'm home alone." she said. We thought that was a pretty cool blessing and continued to speak with her as we ate. We found out that it was the anniversary of her mother's death, and that all of her children were spending the day with their dad (she is divorced) and so she was alone and feeling pretty down. She told us how loved it made her feel that Heavenly Father sent us to her. We had a wonderful meal and we cried together as we sang "I am a Child of God". We all felt His love.
Sister Vaiho and I are having so much fun with finding! We've been doing contacting at the train station a lot and there are so many wonderful people!
-a blurry selfie with Tahiti close
Have a great week!
Je t'aime,
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