Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Refiner's Fire

Hello family and friends!

I hope you all have had an amazing week. It's been a very rewarding week here in Emu Plains.

This week was wonderfully challenging. It was another refiner's fire week. I always find myself with a heart full of gratitude at the end of a hard week. I'd love to tell you all that missionary work is all sunshine and rainbows, but that would be unfair and unnecessary. Why not acknowledge one of the most wonderful things about Heavenly Father's inspired missionary program? One of the most wonderful things about missionary work (and life in general) is that it stretches you and pushes you. It gives you opportunities to be stripped of the natural man and humbles you down to your knees. It reminds you of how much you need your Father in Heaven and the Atonement of our beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

I cherish these tough moments. The moments that remind us of who we truly are. It's in those tough times, the times when the heat gets turned up and your not quite sure how much you can take, it's during those times when I remember. I remember that at the end of the day, it's me and Him. It's me and the Saviour working side by side. He is who matters most. Every move I make, every breath I take (sorry for quoting that song lol) needs to be dedicated to the Saviour. Because His every move, and His every breath was perfectly and wholly dedicated to us.

I want you all to know that your Heavenly Father, and the Saviour, Jesus Christ, care so much about you. They don't just care about what you do. They care about how you feel.  They care about each moment of each day that you have or or will experience in mortality and throughout the eternities. They are on your side. They are rooting for you. They are rejoicing with you, and they are weeping with you. They have created a plan YOU. And of course, because they love you, they have created that plan in your favour. They devote all their attention to helping you along the way. Their greatest desire is that you, and all of us, receive eternal joy.  

The Saviour suffered all things, that we might be whole. He suffered for our sins, He suffered for our pains. He has felt every trial you ever have or ever will go through. But He did not wash His hands of us after He made the ultimate sacrifice. He continues, in this very moment to labour for and with you. He has His sleeves rolled up and He desires to be involved in every aspect of our life if we will allow Him. He wants to be there for us.

You are more infinitely importantly and perfectly loved than you can comprehend. You are probably doing much better at this whole life thing than you think you are. Never forget that life is hard sometimes. But Heavenly Father understands that. He also understands your potential. He understands what you are capable of if you give your heart to Him. That's why He sent His son. So that you can not only be clean, but you can be changed. The Refiner puts us in the heat until He can see His own reflection in His work. 

All these blessings await us. All the help of loving Heavenly Father is available to us if we but keep that covenant we have made to ALWAYS remember His son and let our love for Him shape and mold our every though, decision, and action. 

I am so grateful for experiences that help me remember and strengthen my testimony of these things. I know that this is true and I know that each of you can come to know this more fully as you lean on the Saviour and stay close to your Heavenly Father in prayer through the good and the bad that life has to offer. I can testify, that in the eternal scheme of things, it is all for your good. (D&C 122:7-8)

(Disclaimer: please don't worry about me though. I am so happy and everything really is amazing! I truly am grateful for EVERY aspect of missionary work. I hope no worries come from me sharing what I have learned from this week.)

I have no time for weekly highlights. My apologies to all who like to skip the spiritual stuff, ahah. Love you all so much! Have a fabulous week.

Ofa atu,


Monday, October 19, 2015

Clay and Fakalele

Hello family & friends! I hope you have all had an amazing week!

This has been such an amazing week. So much revelation, so much self examination (YAY MY FAVORITE), and heaps of growth for me, my companion and the area.

This week, I really tried to keep the commitment I have made with myself to seek and listen to the promptings of the spirit.  And I have come to the conclusion that the spirit really has PLENTY to say if we will listen. 

"Don't hit snooze. You don't need to sleep till 6:30 if you're already awake. Take more time to pray."
"Stop the car. There's someone for you to talk too here."
"Your studies will be better if you wipe down the kitchen counters first."
"Cross the road and go talk to her. Teach about how infants don't need to be baptised. She lost someone."
"Yeah, I know you planned to eat dinner now but you're not done in this part of the area. Keep knocking until you find a new investigator."

To be honest, at first I didn't know how to feel about my still, small friend speaking up. I may have even thought "What have I gotten myself into?" hahah. But each time I was asked to do something, the same spirit that prompted me softened my heart and reminded me of my desire to be righteous. And then, when I obeyed, an overwhelming feeling of joy would wash over me. Like can't-stop-singing-can't-wipe-this-smile-off-my-face kind of joy. 

Submitting yourself to the Lord is the only way you can come home at the end of the day and feel like you've come as close as you can to living that day the way the Saviour would have. True obedience is true happiness.

All week long, I have repeated my "ponderize" scripture in my head whenever I received a prompting: "And now, O Lord, thou art [my] Father, [I am] the clay, and thou [my] potter, and [I am] the work of thy hands." - Isaiah 64:8.

This is my goal, to be clay in the hands of a perfect, loving, Father who sees my potential and sees what these people need me to be. To be worthy to receive the promptings of the spirit and obedient enough to listen. To be humble enough to accept His will and diligent enough to do it. No matter the cost. No matter how unpleasant, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar, please listen to the promptings of the spirit. The reward is far greater than the sacrifice. 

"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." -Mosiah 3:19 (p.s. this is what I'll be ponderizing this week)

If you do not have a burning desire to take on this challenge to put off the natural man, please pray earnestly to gain that desire and give everything you have. I can promise that there is no time to waste. Becoming submissive by yielding to the enticings of the Holy Spirit is a lifelong quest. You cannot start too early, and you are probably already late. Please pray for a vision for how you can improve on this!


-Trade offs! I loved spending my day with the cutie, kiwi (New Zealander), Sister Going. She's also half mexican which is a strange miracle because the lack of hispanics here is pretty devastating. So we spent the day speaking baby spanish to each other (because here it's such a rarity to know even the very basic Spanish that Americans all learn in school), and talking to lots of beautiful people! We also talked a lot about what I can be doing to help the ward. Such a wonderful learning day!

-Studying has become my favorite thing in the world. I can hardly rip myself away from the scriptures and PMG. Two hours a day is definitely not enough.

-Increase of the spirit = Increase of effective finding. We were able to find so many wonderful people in so many random places this week.

-Increase of the spirit = Bolder teaching and crazy promised blessings haha. We had so many amazing lessons with our investigators this week. And as we taught them really relying on the spirit, we were able to overcome concerns and promise some really excited blessing that were definitely spirit led. 

-Watching my companion grow has been so amazing. Sister Eteaki is really developing into such an incredible missionary. Her determination to be obedient is so wonderful! She is spirit led and so humble. I am so lucky to get to be companions with her! 

-Jack the miracle! We had an amazing experience finding Jack by listening to the spirit. We were shocked when we knocked on his door and were welcomed in to meet him and his wife and talk about the Restoration of the Gospel. Also he is so cool because he's French from a little island outside of Madagascar. He has amazing faith in Christ and is a beautiful person! So excited to teach him more about the gospel. 

-Weekly lowlight: Our investigator who was getting so close to baptism dropped us. Satan is so strong. It really threw us off for a moment. After he called us, we just prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help us understand what we needed to do. After praying, I opened my scriptures which fell open to 3 Nephi 11. We know he is ready and that if we seek to understand Heavenly Father's will for him and work hard, he will be baptized. 

(Selfie because I took no pictures this week...)

-I forgot to tell ya'll that I took Sis. Eteaki to the doctor (no worries all is well, just a check up and she passed with flying colors). But the nurse was asking her if she had any diarrhea and she was like "What?" and she said it again and Sis.E. repeated "What?!" And I go "oh she means fakalele." And we crack up because the nurse looks at me so weird and why do I even know that word in Tongan in the first place hahahaa. 
-And the best weekly highlight of all!!!!!: my beloved Grandpa got baptized. No words can express how happy I have felt thinking of my Grandpa making this covenant with our Heavenly Father. I know with all my heart that the plan of salvation is real and that baptism is necessary to enter into the kingdom of God. So much joy!

Well, I love you all HEAPS! Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help any of you. You are all in my prayers.
Have a great week!
Ofa atu,

Monday, October 12, 2015

Are You Arguing With The Spirit? Round 2 (AKA Sister Froemming Is A Slow Learner)

Malo lelei family & friends!

What a week in Emu Plains. To be honest, I think Heavenly Father realized that I have the most humble companion on planet Earth and therefore I need to have other opportunities to excersize the muscle of my Christlike attributes. YAY! 

During conference, the words of Neill F. Marriot were music to my ears for two reasons: 1. HER SOUTHERN ACCENT FILLED MY SUFFERING, CHEESE GRITS DEPRIVED SOUL. 2. "It will all work out"

Those words rang so true in my heart. When you live the Gospel, and you trust in Heavenly Father it will truly all work out. Each time I am scared, overwhelmed, intimidated or feeling inadequate, I remember that if I will submit to my Heavenly Father's will, it will truly all work out. I can testify that submitting to Heavenly Father's will is true happiness. "Consecration is the only surrender which is also a victory." - Neal A. Maxwell. 

I realized this week that I have not given my whole heart to Heavenly Father. I have not given my whole soul. 

Tuesday in New South Wales was HOT. 36 degrees Celsius to be exact. I thought it was going to be 23 because sometimes the missionary portal completely lies, so I dressed for a nice cool day. Next thing I know, my companion and I are walking in the heat for hours from dropped appointment to dropped appointment in long sleeves and boots. But we stayed happy as we sang a song, talked to people, and fanned ourselves with Restoration pamphlets. 

We finally made it back to Emu Plains via bus, train, and good ol fashioned walking at 5:15 pm. "Okay 45 minute dinner before our appointment, we got this." 

The feelings in my stomach overtook the feelings of the spirit and we rushed from the train to the car, walking by several people. By the time we had gotten to the parking lot, the spirit very clearly told me to slow down and turn around. My eyes fell on a clean cut, dad-looking man and an unwelcoming younger man with headphones and a hoodie smoking a cigarette. It became very clear that Heavenly Father would like me to approach the less inviting of the two. 

I sighed and tried to fight the feeling and continue to walk to the car. I didn't want to make my poor, hungry & thirsty companion sacrifice more of our dinner hour. Eventually, I couldn't fight the feeling I had any more. I told my companion and she hesitantly agreed to go back. She looked a little confused as I pointed out who I felt prompted to talk to but she, as always, put up with me and happily came along. As we began walking towards the young man, he got up and started walking towards the train. I was tempted to let him walk away and head back to the car, but I couldn't fight the feeling that we needed to talk to him. 

I took a deep breath and then began to literally stalk him haha. HE KEPT GETTING AWAY! Eventually we saw him sit down at the bus stop. I took a deep breath, it would be so easy to just turn around and go home. I looked at my companion and she looked at me with "Please don't make me do this again" written on her face. But with a silent prayer, we approached him.

What a beautiful person. As I told Cameron that we had felt prompted to talk to him (and apologized for stalking him aha) he looked at us with amazement in his eyes. 

"What drew you to me?"
"Well, as missionaries, we represent Jesus Christ. I think we were drawn to you because He loves you very much."
"That's pretty freaky. I actually just really recently accepted Christ in my life after I got some pretty bad news about my heath."

My heart LEPT! He is golden. I felt the spirit guiding us in our words as we began a discussion about the gospel. I was amazed as I looked at this young man, who I had expected to tell us to leave him alone, accepted our message with open arms. I could see in his eyes the spirit working in his heart. 

And then a car pulled up "That's my ride."
And before we could get his number or address he had to hurry off with only a pamphlet in his hands. 

I felt so happy as we walked away, but so sad knowing that if I had trusted the Lord AS SOON as I had gotten the prompting, we could have spent a few more moments talking and could have set a return appointment before he got away.

Heavenly Father always takes care of His children. When we trust Him IT WILL ALL WORK OUT. 

“And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit."

I hope this experience paints a clear picture of the importance of listening and trusting the spirit. I can promise that as members of the church we are capable of feeling the spirit AT ALL TIMES. I know that sanctification comes through the Holy Ghost. Please invite the more fully into your lives, and relish the direction it gives you. True discipleship comes as we seek, listen, and promptly act upon promptings of the spirit. My heart was deeply touched by the words of President Eyring this conference as he spoke about his father: 

"That was only one example of a time when he prayed and then did what the Spirit told him God wanted him to do. He kept at it over the years, as you and I will. He never talked about his spirituality. He just kept on doing little things for the Lord that he was prompted to do."

May we all listen to our loving, quietest, and most loyal friend more perfectly.


-Conference! It was amazing. I can't really even express the love I have for the leaders of the church, the inspiration that came as a result, and the growth of testimony for me and many others that resulted.

-Bro Burgess gave us koko samoa which was so yum.

-My flatmates are the loveliest people. Sister Wilson is a cutie new addition to our flat and she loves Indian food with me. 

Sister Froemming and Sister Wilson
-Those Australia shout outs in conference though.

-We met the funniest member from the Penrith ward who is like my mom x 10000 (if you can even imagine that) and her daughter is on a mission too.

-Talking to everyone! It's almost like the warm weather is making everyone more friendly.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Thank you for putting up with me. 

Have a great week.
Love you HEAPS!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Greetings From The Oven Down Under

Malo lelei family & friends!

I hope you have all had a fabulous TWO weeks. Sorry for a lack of email last week. I wasn't able to write because we had the opportunity to go to the Sydney temple and temple P Day is always too amazing and too short. It's been a wonderful two weeks in Emu Plains. We've had so many moments of joy and a few of disappointment. But at the end of the day, I just can't put into words how happy this work makes me. 

My favorite thing about being a missionary is cutting out the distractions of the world. Talking to Heavenly Father, feeling the spirit, and doing something productive all day long. The world can seems so bright, and shiny sometimes. It is hard to resist it's pull. But in the long run, a life centered around worldly things is not life at all. The world would put you in a state of slumber from what's really all around you. It wants to distract you from your loved ones, responsibilities, and from your Heavenly Father. It takes freely and gives you nothing in return. The nature, temptations, and distractions of the world are designed to pull you away from the spiritual and towards the carnal.

For example:
Think about how you felt this weekend after you watched conference. 
Think about how you feel after you watch 4 hours of Netflix (I'm allowed to do this because I'm so guilty of this in the past haha)

Hopefully that paints a clear picture. If not fakatomala!  (Repent)

Something that one of the members said a couple weeks ago really stuck with me "The world really gives you nothing. You put on the newest music and watch your favorite TV show and you expect to gain something from it but you don't. At the end, you just have to come back to reality. But when you focus on the Gospel, you always gain something because that is what's real." -Kristie Ireland

Media and materials are not what's real. What's real is that you are a spirit child of God. And that you are here for a very specific purpose. Your goal is to return back to live with Heavenly Father again. You are surrounded by your brothers and sisters who have the same goal. And that should be your focus throughout each moment of each day. Eternal perspective is so important.

Never let the world dim your light. It may be hard to resist the temptation of the world, whether it be something that is harming your spirit or simply just distracting and dulling you, but as you withstand temptation Heavenly Father will always help you. I can promise you that it is much more satisfying to give your whole heart to the Lord than to have one foot in Zion and one in Babylon (not geographically correct but you get it!)

I love you all! Please try to think about the Saviour throughout each day and communicate often with your Father in Heaven. James 4:7-8


-I love the temple so much. It was such an amazing experience to be able to go inside the house of the Lord. Each time I go, my understanding grows deeper and the spirit I feel grows so much stronger. I have found that nothing has increased the spirituality of my temple experience as much as a continued study of the Plan of Salvation. The more I study it, the more my heart fills with gratitude for the eternally important opportunity of temple attendance. I know that if we are pointed towards the temple, we will be ready to stand in front of the Saviour. 

-GENERAL CONFERENCE NEXT WEEK! Yep, Aussie get's it a week late. But I'm so excited!

-Seeing sipis (sheep) randomly while walking to an appointment in Springwood. 

-Somehow we got three boxes of food from members this week. 

-We bought a Tongan himi (hymn) and have been singing Tongan songs all the time. 

-SO MUCH FINDING! SO MUCH WORK! It's such a great time for finding right now. School holidays, warm weather, light evenings. Such a wonderful time to be doing the work.

-During our planning session we created a plan to ignite the missionary work in Emu Plains. Man, I am so excited about it. I'm realizing now that I'm near my 6 month mark in Emu Plains. When did that happen? Seriously though. I just want to work so much harder because I want this ward to be a well functioning, missionary work machine for the next missionaries. I love this place so much and I know that the potential is unlimited when the ward and the missionaries really start to work together. 

-My favorite people and my favorite countries. 
#USA4ever #whichcountrydotheytalkaboutintheBookofMormonagain? #whichcountry'snationalanthemisinthehymnbook? 

-One of our investigators just casually has two tanks outside of her house. 

-It is 38 degrees celsius today which is 101 Fahrenheit. I'm loving it at the moment but I don't think the love will last too long haha. I've already got some pretty horrendous tan lines.  

-Elder Kehler (who was the only person from my MTC district who came to Sydney North with me) is now in my district. Pretty cool! District 66A forever.
Please keep Nancy in your prayers this week. We feel she is so prepared. 

Have a great week!
Love you HEAPS.